
Welcome to DAY 2 of your HEALING CHALLENGE 


DAY 2-

Now we look at what’s REALLY creating your symptoms.

When you address the root cause, the symptoms cannot even start. Just like when you pull a weed from the root.. it’s gone.

There’s a reason you’re suffering and it’s not the symptoms themselves, although it can feel like that.

If someone has a head ache it might be that they’ve been on a computer all day, they have too many worries driving them crazy, they may have a pressure build up from tight neck muscles.. unless the root causes are addressed it would be like cutting off the weed without pulling the root - it will come back.

How to find out the root cause-

There are two ways to do this-

1. Describe the pain.

eg it’s sharp, overwhelming, intense, deep, etc, etc

Write these answers down.

These adjectives will also precisely describe the real reason, the emotional root cause.

Ask: Where else in my life could I describe in the EXACT same way?

What do the descriptions remind me of? What person, what memory, what feeling, what time in my life???

The answer you find from this is the REAL reason you’re suffering. Once you’re connecting with that the physical pain/discomfort will disappear.

Go back to DAY ONE and focus on this root cause. It will clear.

2. What is your physical body telling you in ‘body speak’?

Your body is literal, never lies and tells you to the finest detail what the real problem is too.

Where’s the physical problem?

What does that body part normal do? What’s it’s usual job??

Eg Feet - hold your weight, allow you to move, give you flexibility….

Next, what’s the problem with it?-

It feels inflamed, it hurts to step on, the joint is painful…

- Your body is telling you “there’s pain standing on your feet” or “it hurts to move” or “it hurts to be flexible”

Are you getting the idea?

What’s YOUR body telling you?

Watch the videos and I walk you through how to do this-



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DAY 3 is on its way..