What's Your Physical Manifestation
Of Emotional Pain?

Physical symptoms aren’t the real cause…but what is?

girl feeling physical manifestation of emotional pain

In this video, I show you how to understand what’s your physical manifestation of emotional pain. What’s the true cause of your physical symptoms.


Your body doesn’t think or feel, it does body things!

Emotions are expressions of what we feel and they direct us to the problem itself, like smoke from a fire. Connect to the emotions and they’ll guide you to pain free.

When things go wrong in the body,

it’s just a reflection of everything else that’s going wrong in your life too – thoughts, feelings, experiences. 

Jo understood this – he had chronic backache that kept repeating. But he knew it wasn’t really his back that was the problem. He knew it was really the high emotional stress he was experiencing at home, together with his 16 hour days at work that was really where the cause of discomfort was.

Q: How did he experience his back pain?

It was tight and overstretched.

Q: How did he experience his life generally?

It was tight and overstretched.

When you first understand the real cause of your problems and then face those things…the physical reflection will be affected too and your symptoms will stop developing.

What’s your physical manifestation of emotional pain?

To find out first write down and describe exactly how you experience your physical symptoms.

Is it sharp, tight, overwhelming, makes you wince, etc?

How does it make you feel?

Take those answers and ask yourself “Where else in your life do you experience those exact same descriptions”?

And that will be the REAL area that needs addressing.

You don’t need to analyse yourself or open up old wounds – you’ve already been there and it isn’t necessary. What you do need to do is to acknowledge and face what you are feeling. This will give space for the healing to take place, and the symptoms to disappear.

What it needs to heal is the space and opportunity, the right circumstances. You do that by meeting your discomfort where it is, in you, and then the pain will go.

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