I’m the PainFree Specialist, qualified and experienced as a natural health practitioner for over 30 years. I studied Shiatsu, Reflexology, Reiki, Acupressure, Chinese Massage and more, all holistic therapies that I practiced mostly in a clinic in Chelsea, South London.

I loved the connection between mind, body and spirit. I loved helping people through my work, through the body, making them feel better. I learnt so much, not just about the body and healing but about people and feelings and how they get can get stuck in the body.

Where did The PainFree Method come from?

From my training and from observing how and what we are. But where was the drive to do this?

In my own life, I was sexually abused when I was a little girl. It wasn’t really addressed and life moved on. I grew up but what about those feelings and experiences? Just because you move on doesn’t mean they disappear. They show up through behaviour, through thoughts, decisions, posture, the way you move, the sound of your voice, through physical symptoms. If you don’t address things, they don’t go away, they just show up in a different form.


“Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another.”

― Albert Einstein


I became bulimic at 17 which was like a stuffing down of my feelings, a suppressing of behaviour. I couldn’t stop and it went on for 10 horrendous years until finally the moment of change happened. I reached the end of the line, I couldn’t go on. I came to a choice in the road and I started to love myself. My healing began. It still took 5 years to stop but there was no going back.

It wasn’t until I was 30 that I started to speak about what happened, what I held inside. It’s been a long gradual journey of release but the more I do, the more I become authentic and true to who I am.

Sometimes we won’t change until we’re forced to. Life is about balance and holding things inside cannot continue. I was dumped by my partner at the time. It broke me open, made me let go of my linear living and not addressing anything. I didn’t know what to do next and felt cracked open.

During this time I had an epiphany of how healing works – I realised you have to connect to the person you are inside. All things can change from there. From that point my treatments of people completely changed. I wouldn’t work with them unless I felt a true connection with them. I would observe them, feel them and listen and follow their story, their tensions, their blocks and through bodywork I helped them come into flow, rest, release.

In this state your body automatically starts working properly. Your body is a self healing, self balancing system. When you create the right environment and do the right actions, your body automatically heals.

I realised that everyone should know this simple way to heal, but how could I give this to others? I started to analyse what I was doing when someone walked into the clinic. How was I taking them on this journey to pain free?

It took about 6 years to form the PainFree Method into an A,B, C that anyone can do and this is what I teach today.

I’m really a true healer. Even my name means healer in Greek! I’m a double Pisces and apparently that is indicative of healer ability too. I can ‘see’ the person inside, I feel their feelings, see their past. I can see their patterns and why they suffer. 

They come to me with physical pain and conditions but I know this is just the start of the story.

You don’t suffer for nothing. There are reasons behind your symptoms. Maybe you know what that is or maybe you don’t, it doesn’t matter for healing. All you need to start healing is to be ready and open for the change you want. Then do the actions that make that change, like I did!

The PainFree Method shows you how. Healing is not a fixing or a getting rid of symptoms. Medication and operations, although sometimes very needed, they are still only a temporary fix, they are not cures.

I like to say ‘pain is a message that wants to be heard’. If you only try to suppress or get rid of a symptom, that’s like trying to kill the messenger. You’re missing the point and the only result is that the message gets louder. It’s there to call you back to balance, to peace and harmony, to let go of what binds you and come into flow. Your natural state.

Are you ready and open to be pain or symptom free? For change? To come back to you? To let go of your symptoms and what created them once and for all?

Then book a free consultation and I’m going to help you –

  • Get awareness of what’s keeping you stuck and blocking your healing.
  • Know 1 key healing action you can implement straight away.
  • Identify the root causes that are triggering your symptoms.
learn how to heal