How can you heal physical things?

How can you heal physical things?

Sciatica, arthritis, heart pain, gut cancer, skin rashes????

How can you heal bone on bone?

Actually I don't do anything, your body does that.

Doesn’t your body start digesting food when you eat something?

Doesn’t your eye start blinking and watering straight away when a bit of dust gets in there?


Your body reacts and works in a certain way depending on the circumstances. 

There are 3 layers to healing -

Take direct action, help the healing and know how to not let it happen again.

There are also multiple layers between these main three -

What you believe, what you think, experiences you’ve been through, things that influence you, how you feel, your aspirations, your dreams, the circumstances you live in, the pressures or not upon you, your spirit, your drive, what motivates you………

They’re all part of you and every part of you affects the other.

There’s also another layer to healing which is really exciting and amazing -

Every part of you, every cell, every atom, every muscle, every thought you have, expresses itself with light, energy and intelligence. You can ask any part of you for an answer. You can meditate and listen to ‘you’ on any level for guidance and understanding. You’ll feel it in your instincts and in your intuition, your spidey sense.

There’s even another level to healing -

You are connected to EVERYTHING! And everything is connected to you. A collective consciousness. As you align and become well, everything else does too, at the same moment. Like attracts like, as you become happy, happy things come to you!

How can you heal physical things?

First you address and connect to the pain, the problem. This creates alignment of everything in you and the release of any unhelpful tissues, pathogens, unwanted thoughts and feelings, tension, disruption or negativity.

Next you support your body and yourself for this to happen - love and care for you, eat good food, drink water, get fresh air, give it time, be patient...

Thirdly, support yourself in who you want to be instead of being in physical discomfort. Fill your cup in the way that you need. This stops symptoms returning.

When we are ill and in physical pain we are taught that something is wrong and we need to get rid of the problem and we’ll come back to good health. 

But this doesn't work. People end up on pain meds for years or even life. Symptoms get worse, more things develop. They become despondent, depressed or suicidal.

To heal we need to address the WHOLE of us. A holistic approach. If you’re stressed and your muscles get tight. No amount of massage or pain killers can make the tightness go away. You have to address the source of the problem or it’ll come back. Support the change you want and do something to stop what you don’t want from reoccurring.

Pain is a message that wants to be heard.

Yes, it’s a signal that something is wrong but the correct way to interpret your discomfort is that something is out of alignment. In alignment you are healthy and well. Out of alignment, you must address it or it will cause problems. Like the flashing light on the dashboard of your car. You don’t see the light as the problem. You don’t smash the light or turn it off or ignore it, suppress it. You know it’s a warning of something else that must be addressed. You sort the problem then the light goes away.

Pain and symptoms are the same. They are your warning light. Pain is a message that wants to be heard. Don’t shoot the messenger. Take the correct actions and the message will go away. 

Can you see that there is a WHOLE other way to see and understand ill health and that trying to make symptoms go away does not work.

You have to understand your body and your physical symptoms in the correct way, and take the right actions for healing to happen.

If you would like some help to clear and understand your symptoms, book a free consultation with me


Are your physical symptoms the ACTUAL problem?


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