The PainFree how to healing series

The Exclusive ‘How To’ Healing Series

How to Manifest Anything!

With The PainFree Method – not just for pain free but it aligns you to anything!


How to Manifest Anything!

Who is Althea Finch and what’s The PainFree Method?  –

Hi! I created the PainFree Method in 2000 and have been helping people heal from chronic pain and conditions ever since. But because this is an alignment method I started to explore what else it could help with. I helped people with all sorts of problems – weight loss, alcoholism, relationship issues, eyes sight, past traumas….and manifesting! Wanting things we don’t have is no different to having pain and conditions. They are an energetically an ‘out of alignment’ thing. In this fun talk, I show you How To Manifest Anything! with The PainFree Method, aligning you bring in anything you want.

You’re going to learn-

💰 How to manifest what you want by using The PainFree Method.

💰 How to clear the things that block your receiving.

💰 How to get into a state of receiving and receive it!!


Manifestation happens all the time.

We are already creators! – from wanting a cup of tea to building a house or moving country. It all starts with wishing and wanting, and then taking action and implementing.

 These are the simple actions to manifest whatever you want with The PainFree Method 

Good health

Pain Free







✅ Know where you are now.

✅ Know what you want and how to get it.

✅ Clear the blocks that stop you receiving.

✅ Let go of outcome (descriptions given by talk attendees): Have no attachment to outcome by – falling backwards, writing your wishes on a paper and running it under the tap, burning it. imagine you’re holding a branch and putting it back over your head where it disintegrates.


Give it a go, even from this talk we had some brilliant manifestations. 

Even I started manifesting! – I took on a new client the next day and also received two separate cheques! Woohoo!!

how to manifest anything cheque!

These are just some of the results people have got from following this workshop! –

Lynda did particularly well. She was one who was particularly worried about money!!…

👉 On Sunday she was having money troubles-

👉 On Monday Lynda came to the w/s, 7 days later she received £500!!

👉8 days after the workshop, another £97!

👉 Lynda came to a second manifesting session.

👉 ….And the next day this happened!

This man manifested extra money for his holiday-

Not just extra money but the exact amount!

He checked and rechecked! He couldn’t believe he had manifested the EXACT AMOUNT for the trip!!! –

I also ran this workshop in person at my kids school – just before Christmas. I thought everyone could use a little extra at this time.

One particular lady was very sceptical. Here’s what happened to her…

So get manifesting!!! I’d love to know how you get on, send me an email here: 

And if you have chronic or long term physical symptoms and want help to clear them, this is what I teach. 

Book a free consultation and let’s talk. Click on the button below-

This part of The ‘How To’ Healing Series.

To purchase the full series and see what’s in It, CLICK HERE