Join us for our latest exciting LIVE FREE talk on the PainFree Podcast – A Positive Future For Health.

Homeopathy for Healing

With Sara Dale

17th October at 3-4pm GMT

Who is Sara Dale?  –

I am a strong believer in taking responsibility for our own health and wellbeing, and have always been interested in natural routes.
I discovered homeopathy over 20 years ago and have been using it ever since. I was diagnosed with a thyroid condition in my 30s. My body did not respond sufficiently to the medication I was put on and so I began searching for alternatives.
I consulted a homeopath, things started to change and I have not looked back since. I subsequently took my daughter to see her for oral thrush, which kept recurring despite anti-fungal medication. I was so impressed with the results that I was inspired to enrol on a 4-year course at the School of Homeopathy in Stroud and have been a practising homeopath since.
I wish everyone knew about homeopathy and what it can do so I’m passionate about sharing what I know. I teach workshops at festivals and work with the Travelling Homeopaths Collective where we give low-cost consultations and remedies as a way of spreading the word. 

The aim of my talk today is to give you an idea of what homeopathy is. I will give a brief explanation of how it was discovered and how it works. I’ll talk about the difference between acute and chronic conditions and how we treat them. I’ll also give you an introduction to how you can use homeopathy at home and when travelling as well as looking at a few remedies.

On the podcast Sara will be sharing:

  • What is homeopathy?
  • Acute and chronic conditions
  • A brief introduction to home-prescribing
  • A few examples of remedies and what they are used for



Talk hosted by Althea at The PainFree Method™  How to be pain free without meds or operations.