Are your physical symptoms the ACTUAL problem?

If we just try to fix or get rid of symptoms without clearing the reason it’s there, then symptom cannot go. 

In this video I talk about how that is so and what you can do to start clearing it.

Jo had back pain.

He’d considered steroids, took Pilates classes and he still suffered back pain. But what was really going on? What was his life? Because you’re not just a body, you’re also what you do in your life, what affects you, what have you been through, what’s in your head, what creates your problems.

Your body will just reflect other parts of you – your thoughts, your feelings, what you’ve been through…whether they’re buried, whether they’re obvious or not, your body doesn’t think for itself, it just responds to you and physically reflects what you’re feeling. 

If you only try to fix your body or get rid of symptoms, you’re missing the main part and the pain cannot go. 

Q: Where do you focus so that you can start to clear your physical symptoms?

A: It’s the physical symptoms themselves. The message that wants to be heard.

With The PainFree Method not only will you learn how to get relief fast but you’ll also know how to stop pain returning.

Book your FREE consultation and I’ll help you identify what’s creating your symptoms and where to focus to start healing.