Pain Is A Message That Wants To Be Heard!

Yes, pain is a signal that something is wrong but the correct way to interpret your discomfort is that something is out of alignment. 

In alignment you are healthy and well. Out of alignment, you must address it or it will cause problems or get worse. Like the flashing light on the dashboard of your car. You don’t see the light as the problem. You don’t smash the light or turn it off or ignore it, suppress it. You know it’s a warning of something else that must be addressed. You sort the problem then the light goes away.

Pain and symptoms are the same. They are your warning lights. Pain is a message that wants to be heard. Don’t shoot the messenger. Take the correct actions and the message will go away. In The PainFree method that’s what you learn, the correct actions that get you symptom free.

Can you see that there is a WHOLE other way to see and understand ill health and that trying to make symptoms go away does not work. It’s not enough the clear the symptoms. Unless the root cause, the reason you’re suffering is cleared too, the symptoms have no option but to return or get worse.

Understand your body and your physical symptoms in the correct way, take the right actions and healing will happen.

If you would like some help to clear and understand your symptoms, book a free consultation with me.