The PainFree Specialist- qualified and experienced therapeutic practitioner in natural and healing therapies for over 30 years.

In this time of learning and studying and living a bit of life myself, I realised that no matter what you do to help yourself – mainstream medications or natural, many things can help us but nothing can cure us. You have to connect to the ‘you’ inside. This realisation came to me like an epiphany. My treatments completely changed from that point and people started getting profound effects – full body arthritis and pain free in 4 weeks. Severe nerve pain, gone and never to return. Swollen knees as big as armbands, gone by the next day.

It still took another 10 years to form this new awareness into something that anyone could do but that was the start of The PainFree Method. I discovered something so powerful that it’s now changed the lives of many around the world.

I love showing you how to heal and be pain free, to empower yourself to heal with The PainFree Method™ that I founded and created, proven since 2000.

I love seeing you get your life back and the difference being pain free makes.

I originally trained and qualified in many wonderful modalities – among them- Shiatsu, Reflexology, Reiki, Acupressure, Chinese Massage which I practiced in clinics in South London.

My passion is to teach you how to heal any time.

If you have been suffering and now matter what you do it doesn’t work, why not book a free consultation? What have you got to loose? Apart from Pain!