Do you trust your doctor more than yourself?

Have you been to the doctor's, been referred to physios, groups, and specialists for months or even years now?

They’ve offered you medication and operations but it hasn’t really helped and the symptoms have got worse.

You don’t actually want to take medications but you’re not sure what else to do.

Doctors are trained to recognise the symptoms and treat them with medication or operations.

We are taught that doctors know more about your body than you do. But why should a complete stranger that knows nothing about you, be able to cure you? 

You are the one that lives with you, every second of every day.  You are the one that knows the most about you.

Unless specifically interested, we are not typically taught about our own bodies, to listen, nurture and respond to our needs.



Learn to listen to your instincts, your feelings.  Ask your body "what do I need to heal?" What am I drawn to?  What feels right for me to improve my health?

Healing happens in two places: 

1  In the moment, not in thinking about the past or the future

2 Through the breath- deep slow breathing.


Watch out for the thinking mind taking over.  The mind will stop all healing.

Your emotions might get triggered when you try to heal.  

Your physical body might distract you - increasing in pain, making you itch, making you want to move.

Other distractions can rise up and stop you from healing too - the phone ringing, someone knocks on the door, you remember you wanted to do something..

There might be a part of you that blocks you from healing.  It's your protector checking in with you.


If you find yourself still taking direction from the doctor, ask yourself - Have they given you results?  Are you cured?

If not, start listening to your instincts.  They are the most innate part of you.  You will always get the truth. You are nature and nature ALWAYS wants balance and healing, no matter what you do.


Here's an exercise to keep you in the healing space and in the moment.

1- Ask yourself "what am I thinking?"  Don't try to analyse, don't try to do anything, just clock the thoughts in your head.  Notice what you're thinking about.

2- Ask yourself "what am feeling?"  Notice between 1 & 10 your level of emotions from stressed to calm.  Feel where those emotions are in your body and what they feel like.  Like an observer.

3- Ask yourself "what am I sensing in my body?"  Notice what you're feeling on your skin or the feeling of your clothes.  Notice your posture, any tension, the feeling in your gut.  Notice your hair.

You don't have to do anything.  All you have to do is acknowledge where you are and what is happening right now-  being in the moment.  Nature takes over from there.  


Our western mind wants to figure it all out, understand things, find the answers...but you don't need to do all that to heal, it's not how to heal.

Book a FREE consultation and start healing -







Fed up of being treated as a symptom instead of a whole person?


What’s blocking your healing?