Understanding the messages of your body


But why’s your body doing those symptoms? What can you do to be pain free?

Your symptoms are not the real problem, it’s just a reflection of what’s really going on, the ROOT CAUSE, the reasons they’re there. Your symptoms are like the tip of the iceberg.

Just like if you sweat when you run. The sweating isn’t the problem but the running is making you sweat. Stop running and heating up and you’ll stop sweating.

It’s exactly the same with healing.

Have a look at this chart and see what your body might be ‘saying’ to you-

Things on the RIGHT side of your body are controlled by the left brain and visa versa.

RIGHT brain is about the mother, women, creativity, imagination, female qualities, the woman in you (even if you’re a man), your female relationships, communication.

LEFT brain is about the father, men, the masculine in you (even if you’re a woman), logic, goal orientation, mathematics, planning, organising.

For most people, when the body goes wrong, they go to the doctor...get that thing FIXED, throw pills at it, cut it out, try to fix the problem...

This is the way we are typically taught but if you only do this, you are missing the body’s messages that lead you to heal.

When pain shows up, learn to listen, engage with it, don’t ignore it. CONNECT with it!

..THAT'S WHERE YOU START TO HEAL - understand what you’re really trying to tell yourself.

Thought, emotions, experiences effect you.  By the time things have become physical, something has gone deep within you and your alarm signals are triggered and demand you pay attention.

When difficulties develop physically, it's the perfect time for that healing too.

It’s the time when some part of you says “I’m ready to heal”.

You won't be able to ignore it for long- it'll stop you moving, it'll wake you up at night, it'll constantly nag you and stop you doing what you really want to do.

You’ll have no choice but to pay attention to it. Isn’t that great?!


What's really going on for you? - What’s THE EMOTIONAL ROOT CAUSE?-

How do your symptoms feel?

What do they stop you doing?

How do they affect you?

The meaning of physical symptoms

Let's look at an example - back ache.

What does a back do? - it supports, maintains shape, allows movement, protects.

What is it about these descriptions that resonates for you?

Are you not supported?

Are you restricted in movement somehow?

Do you feel unprotected?

The physiology of your body will show you what's really going on.

Q: What does the problem area do?

A: The back supports.

Your legs help you move.

Your shoulders carry...

What's YOUR body telling you?


So here, there are two ways to identify the real problem inside.

  1. How does the symptom affect you?

  2. What does that body part normally do?

When you connect here, the physical problems will go.

If you are ready to heal and want help to do that, book a free consultation to get started-


How to clear back pain


STEP ONE of the PFM - how to get pain free