Althea Finch Althea Finch

Are your physical symptoms the ACTUAL problem?

Looking into the ROOT CAUSE to what’s really creating your pain. Unless the root cause is addressed then pain has no chance to go.

Pain and symptoms in the body just reflect what else is going on in your life. If you try to FIX your body or get rid of your symptoms, you are missing the point and the pain cannot go. Here’s how you do clear it.

Book your FREE consultation

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Althea Finch Althea Finch

How can you heal physical things?

How can you heal physical things? Sciatica, arthritis, heart pain, gut cancer, skin rashes????

How can you heal bone on bone?

How can you heal physical things?

Sciatica, arthritis, heart pain, gut cancer, skin rashes????

How can you heal bone on bone?

Actually I don't do anything, your body does that.

Doesn’t your body start digesting food when you eat something?

Doesn’t your eye start blinking and watering straight away when a bit of dust gets in there?


Your body reacts and works in a certain way depending on the circumstances. 

There are 3 layers to healing -

Take direct action, help the healing and know how to not let it happen again.

There are also multiple layers between these main three -

What you believe, what you think, experiences you’ve been through, things that influence you, how you feel, your aspirations, your dreams, the circumstances you live in, the pressures or not upon you, your spirit, your drive, what motivates you………

They’re all part of you and every part of you affects the other.

There’s also another layer to healing which is really exciting and amazing -

Every part of you, every cell, every atom, every muscle, every thought you have, expresses itself with light, energy and intelligence. You can ask any part of you for an answer. You can meditate and listen to ‘you’ on any level for guidance and understanding. You’ll feel it in your instincts and in your intuition, your spidey sense.

There’s even another level to healing -

You are connected to EVERYTHING! And everything is connected to you. A collective consciousness. As you align and become well, everything else does too, at the same moment. Like attracts like, as you become happy, happy things come to you!

How can you heal physical things?

First you address and connect to the pain, the problem. This creates alignment of everything in you and the release of any unhelpful tissues, pathogens, unwanted thoughts and feelings, tension, disruption or negativity.

Next you support your body and yourself for this to happen - love and care for you, eat good food, drink water, get fresh air, give it time, be patient...

Thirdly, support yourself in who you want to be instead of being in physical discomfort. Fill your cup in the way that you need. This stops symptoms returning.

When we are ill and in physical pain we are taught that something is wrong and we need to get rid of the problem and we’ll come back to good health. 

But this doesn't work. People end up on pain meds for years or even life. Symptoms get worse, more things develop. They become despondent, depressed or suicidal.

To heal we need to address the WHOLE of us. A holistic approach. If you’re stressed and your muscles get tight. No amount of massage or pain killers can make the tightness go away. You have to address the source of the problem or it’ll come back. Support the change you want and do something to stop what you don’t want from reoccurring.

Pain is a message that wants to be heard.

Yes, it’s a signal that something is wrong but the correct way to interpret your discomfort is that something is out of alignment. In alignment you are healthy and well. Out of alignment, you must address it or it will cause problems. Like the flashing light on the dashboard of your car. You don’t see the light as the problem. You don’t smash the light or turn it off or ignore it, suppress it. You know it’s a warning of something else that must be addressed. You sort the problem then the light goes away.

Pain and symptoms are the same. They are your warning light. Pain is a message that wants to be heard. Don’t shoot the messenger. Take the correct actions and the message will go away. 

Can you see that there is a WHOLE other way to see and understand ill health and that trying to make symptoms go away does not work.

You have to understand your body and your physical symptoms in the correct way, and take the right actions for healing to happen.

If you would like some help to clear and understand your symptoms, book a free consultation with me

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Althea Finch Althea Finch

How to have a pain-free Christmas

(PS in the video it says centrehealing, it should be painfreedom but I’m having trouble editing this video! I didn’t want you to miss out on the content though, enjoy!)

Painful symptoms can be especially tough at this time of year when all you want to do is just be normal and relax and share this time with loved ones instead.

Tips for a pain-free Christmas.

4 super easy steps.

Where you focus is EVERYTHING…

1- Focus on what you’re doing this Christmas. Enjoy what you’re doing. Be in the moment. Whether it’s eating, chatting, Christmas activities…be conscious of what you’re doing. When you focus on the enjoyment you’re experiencing, everything else within you will get a dose of that good feeling too.

Pain is discomfort, tension, contraction. Allowing yourself to fully feel pleasurable experiences, sends those ripples of good feelings all through your system and your condition will get the message to change too.

2- I know it’s an especially busy time but every day, choose something to soothe yourself. A nice warm bath, your favourite tea, a lovely walk. What’s going to soothe you?

What you do for yourself affects the whole of you. It changes your energetic state to a positive, loving one. Pain cannot sustain here. You’re either in pain or you’re not!

3- Check that your breathing is deep and slow. Your breathing is the link, the glue between your thoughts, feelings, and body.

Connecting with your breath is connecting with flow and peace. Pain is a contraction and choosing to actively focus on flow is the opposite.

4- Step away from pain…Ask yourself “What do I need to do right now to feel better?” Listen to your own responses.

You may need to sit down, drink more water, rest, breathe. Your body (YOU) knows what you need. All you need to do is ask! If you get no answers, just sit quietly with your breath. It may be all your body needs to feel better right now.

If you want some help to be pain free, book a consultation -

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Althea Finch Althea Finch

How to clear Anxiety

Sweaty palms, rapid thought, panic and a need to run.

Technically anxiety is an increasing rapidity of the mind.

The mind starts going crazy and we lose control of it.

The body will naturally respond - heartbeat starts racing, muscles get tight, sweaty palms, temperatures rise…and your body conforms to the mind:

” Something is seriously wrong, danger, danger, LET’S GET OUT OF HERE…NOW”.

When we feel anxious, energetically we are disconnected. Everything is triggering and we respond. So the way to reverse that is to reconnect. And it works a treat.

Sweaty palms, rapid thoughts, panic attacks, needing to run.

Technically anxiety is a shut off from everything outside of you.

A detachment.

The body will naturally respond with a racing heartbeat, muscles tighten, sweaty palms, temperatures rise…obediently follow your thoughts.

It says: ” Something is seriously wrong, danger, danger, LET’S GET OUT OF HERE…NOW”.

When we feel anxious, energetically we are disconnected. Everything is triggering and we respond the same.

The way to reverse that is to reconnect. And it works a treat.


(This works for paranoia, agoraphobia and any antisocial feelings or sensations too.)


Send out beautiful blue light from you to everyone or to the source of your anxiety.


In this action you are reversing your present experience, reconnecting and coming back to the whole.

It gives you back calm. Makes you feel supported and that everything’s OK.

Anxiety is gone.

Rachel had panic attacks and anxiety.

One day she was at the top of a 20-floor building, doing gym.

When she finished and went to the lift, unfortunately, she had a panic attack. She couldn’t use the lift…SHE HAD TO GO…NOW.

She ran down 20 flights of stairs only to find the fire exit (crazily) had been bolted and locked. Her only choice was to climb again those 20 flights and take the lift. By that time her panic attack and fear ‘feeling she was going to die’ had subsided but the event had been traumatic, to say the least.

After addressing the immediate issue and healing at the source and triggers for the anxiety, the attacks never came back.

If you want more help with this and would like to explore how the PainFree Method could help you then book yourself a free pain consultation consultation here:

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Althea Finch Althea Finch

What's your emotional link to pain?

In this video, I show you how to understand what’s really going on, what’s the true cause of your physical symptoms.

Your body doesn’t think, it does body things!

When things go wrong in the body, they are just reflecting everything else that’s going wrong in your life too - thoughts, feelings, experiences.

Physical symptoms aren’t the real cause...but what is?

In this video, I show you how to understand what’s really going on, what’s the true cause of your physical symptoms.

Your body doesn’t think, it does body things!

When things go wrong in the body, they are just reflecting everything else that’s going wrong in your life too - thoughts, feelings, experiences.

Jo understood this - he had chronic backache that kept repeating. But he knew it wasn’t really his back that was the problem. He knew it was really the high emotional stress he was experiencing at home, together with his 16 hr days at work that was really where the cause of discomfort was.

Q: How did he experience his back pain?

It was tight and overstretched.

Q: How did he experience his life generally?

It was tight and overstretched.

When you first understand the REAL cause of problems and then face those things…the physical reflection will be the very same and symptoms will not develop.

How do you do that?

First write down and describe exactly how you experience your physical symptoms.

Is it sharp, tight, overwhelming, makes you wince, etc?

How does it make you feel?

Take those answers and ask yourself “Where else in your life do you experience those exact same descriptions”?

And that will be the REAL area that needs addressing.

And with the PainFree Method, it is super easy to address.

You don’t need to analyse yourself or open up old wounds - you’ve already been there and it isn’t necessary.

What you do need to do is to acknowledge and face what you are feeling. This will give space for the healing to take place, and the symptoms to disappear.

Your body doesn’t need you to HEAL it. Your body already knows how - when you cut yourself, it heals given the right environment, right?

What it needs to heal is the space and chance and you do that by meeting your discomfort where it is and then the pain will go.

If you want some help with this book a pain consultation click on the button below:

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Althea Finch Althea Finch


Experts estimate that as much as 80% of the population will experience a back problem at some time in their lives.

Backache stops us from even doing even the basic things like walking or reaching up to a cupboard.

In this video I address back pain and how to clear it even if you think that's not possible.
After months or years of suffering, that's understandable but there is a way.

Backpain can be debilitating.

And it’s not even just the pain if that weren’t bad enough. It has a knock on effect for everything else. Things you do, things you want to do - you’re having to get help or just choose to do other things because it’s just too much with the pain.

But when you learn to release the pain and stop it returning you get back in control of you and your body, just like Vee and Joslin.

Joslin couldn’t even put the washing in and later she was surfing!!

And here’s what Joslin said-
"The best sleep I’ve had for a very long time."

Vee said-
"The ache in my lower back that has been there for months and months just wasn't there."

If you’d like the same for you, book a free consultation

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Althea Finch Althea Finch

How to clear pain when it's really bad.

What’s the natural reaction to pain?

Depending on what symptoms we’re suffering, we go to the doctor, we take medication, we wince, we detach ourselves from others or get under the covers.

We try our best to GET RID OF IT, clear it, stop it, calm it down, cut it out.

What if your symptoms are an end result of a build up of consequences, of experiences, of thoughts and feelings?

What’s the natural reaction to pain?

Depending on what symptoms we’re suffering, we go to the doctor, we take medication, we wince, we detach ourselves from others or get under the covers.

We try our best to GET RID OF IT, clear it, stop it, calm it down, cut it out.

But what if the symptoms are a message to you?

What if your symptoms are an end result of a build up of consequences, of experiences, of thoughts and feelings?

If they are a message for us to learn something about ourselves then if we try to get rid of it..IT WILL GET WORSE.

-Most of my clients have been seeing their doctor or other specialists FOR YEARS and still haven’t got any better.

If you hit your thumb with a hammer, you don’t blame the flesh for becoming a bruisy lump. ..We soothe it and try not to hit our thumb again! Right?

In this day and age we are brought up to trust the doctor knows best.

But who lives in YOUR body?

Who thinks YOUR thoughts?

YOUR feelings?

Who experiences every second, every moment of YOUR life?

The ONLY person who has ALL the power to direct and influence your life is only and ever was YOU!!

Where you focus your attention, everything else will follow. Including every cell in your physical body.

..If I ask you to think of pink elephants, what do you think of?!!!

Your mind is instant and so are the responses of your blood, your flesh, your emotions and everything else.

How to clear pain when it's really bad.

Face your ‘dragon’ as it rises.

What does that mean?:
When you feel discomfort or pain, try to relax as best you can, breathe deep and slow and mentally connect, ‘sit’ with your pain.

Be in the centre of it and the pain will go.

Let go of the outcome.

Your body knows how much attention it needs in order to go.

For some people it’s stubborn and nothing seems to happen, for some it’ll get worse, for some it completely goes, for others it will move about and shift to other places.

>>Whatever happens, it’s what your body needs to process and release the discomfort.

Be patient and let your body do what it needs to do ie heal!

If you want help to do this, I offer a free call to give you clarity about what’s creating your pain and what you can do to clear it for good, even when you don’t think this could possibly work for you - what have you got to loose, it’s free!

Here’s the link to book in with me -

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Althea Finch Althea Finch

Are you doubtful this or any method can work for you?

By the time you’ve reached here, you’re probably pretty cynical anything can work for you.

Take heart, that’s understandable. You may have tried so many things, maybe even got some good results but it hasn’t really fixed your thing and you’ve spend soo much money. It’s hard to believe something could actually work for you.

On this video I address this. Find out..

By the time you’ve reached here, you’re probably pretty cynical anything can work for you.

That in itself can be the block to your healing.

Take heart, it’s understandable. You may have tried so many things, maybe even got some good results but it hasn’t really fixed your thing and you’ve spend soo much money. It’s hard to believe something could actually work for you.

>Are you trying so hard but it’s getting worse instead of better.

>How to you get the results you want even when you find it difficult to believe it’s possible.

>How to stay focused on what's really going to make a difference to you.

Trying so hard but not actually getting the results you want?

What’s the definition of insanity? - Keep doing the same thing and expecting different results. One of my clients asked me “Shall I use a hot water bottle?” When I asked him if that helps he said “No”!!

Of course you’re going to look for something that works but are you looking in the right direction?

If what you’re doing doesn’t work…IT DOESN’T WORK!

When we are in pain and suffering physical symptoms, we react to the sensations.

Like when we listen to a great song - it draws our attention, we feel the vibe, it gets us moving, we are compelled to sounds great. We don’t analyse the combination of musical instruments, wonder what key they’re playing, wonder how many beats to a bar, wonder about the history of the singer….WE JUST LOVE IT! It makes us feel good.

It’s exactly the same with healing - we cannot heal through the analytical mind. To believe or not believe is a thought process based on your understanding, upbringing and personal views. But the body is an experience and when we relate to it, feel into it, give it space to is allowed to release, no matter what created the issue.

To actually get the results you want you have to feel into your pain, connect with it.

You know what happens to iron filings when you pass over a magnet? They move with it. It’s exactly the same with healing - your focus is the magnet and your body the iron filings aligning.

There are reasons you’re suffering and it’s not the surface condition you’re experiencing. Your body is physically reflecting what’s going on inside of you.

Healing is simple - you’ve just got to face the issue, the symptom, the dragon. I know it can seem like a tall order but healing is simple. It’s the resistance, the before the healing moment that stops us, that seems so hard.

When you know what’s really causing your problems and address them, symptoms will fall away.

Like my client, Ally. She had endometriosis - a chronically painful condition of the womb that usually stops women having children.

That was the symptom she presented when she came to me. Over the time we worked together, it transpired that she wanted children dearly but her husband didn’t.

Where do you think those longing feelings went? They didn’t disappear. She wanted children.

Her body was reflecting her feelings of ‘she can’t have children’.

When she mentally, emotionally realised this, her symptoms stopped and she became pain free. It’s like completing an electrical circuit. Break the circuit with stress or trauma or a block of some kind and electricity cannot flow.

If you want to clear your symptoms, book a FREE consultation with me.

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Althea Finch Althea Finch

Plodding on and pushing through the pain?

What’s going on here?

Why do we do this?

By the time you’re here, you’ve probably been suffering a long time.


Tried it all, tried EVERYTHING! but you haven’t got the results you want.

It’s hard to believe ANYTHING is going to work.

Trying to carry on, ignoring what you’re feeling in your body?

What’s going on here?

Why do we do this?

By the time you’re here, you’ve probably been suffering a long time.


Tried it all, tried EVERYTHING! but you haven’t got the results you want.

It’s hard to believe ANYTHING is going to work.

No wonder you push on through and just plod on with things.

But what’s the consequences of doing this action?

…It’s a kind of avoidance. Trying to be where you really want to be. Trying to be living the life you really want to be living if it wasn’t for your conditions.

A fake it till you make it!

Plodding on gives a sense of control.

We push forward despite suffering. WE WILL HAVE WHAT WE WANT (and damn this condition)…

Trying to live a normal life and do the things we really want.

…Doing things we feel could improve things - yoga, eating well, meditating, etc.

But the results of pushing on regardless actually mean we get less control not more. The pain and symptoms will increase because they’re not being addressed..

Pushing on creates anxiety because we’re not actually IN control but instead desperately trying to GET control so stress, disillusionment and hopelessness result.

We feel besides ourselves because we don’t understand what the hell is going on…how the hell are you going to get rid of these symptoms and just feel normal again.

The real result of pushing on through is that we’re actually back at square one, nothing’s changed.

Catherine says “you have to feel your way into it, not think your way out of it.”

20 years of migraines and now she's starting to clear them. “Down from a level 10 to a 2.”

Book a free consultation and start healing too-

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Althea Finch Althea Finch

Control of pain is so difficult.

No wonder you're tired- With all the constant flare-ups, you've been woken up all night. You can't think straight. Can't concentrate. Can't even do the basic activities, relying on others to help. An all-around horrendous experience.

No wonder you're tired- With all the constant flare-ups, you've been woken up all night. You can't think straight. Can't concentrate. Can't even do the basic activities, relying on others to help. An all-around horrendous experience.


In this video I talk about:

>>Why this happens, what's the bigger picture.

>>How you can get a handle on this so you can finally start taking back control instead of the pain controlling you and

>>How to get the healing started and doing the things you really want to be doing.


In this western culture, we are brought up to go to the doctors' when something goes wrong with our bodies.  They know best - they've studied for years.  They know the latest, cutting-edge information about how our bodies work and how to fix them.

The standard procedure is figuring out the symptoms, diagnose and medicate.  Maybe an operation is b=necessary or refer to a specialist, maybe physio or the like.

...That would be fine if it worked.  We'd all be living healthy lives in fully functioning bodies.  But that's not what happens.


In the PainFree Method, I teach you to listen to your body.  Listen and understand what your body is trying to tell you.

Imagine your body like an electrical circuit.  When pain arises, it's like a break in that circuitry.  You need to address it so the flow of energy is returned and everything works again.

It's exactly the same with your body - in the western world, we treat the symptom like it's the problem.  Cut it out, blitz it, make it go away.  But if we do that, we are missing the lesson, the message, the signals of what's going on in our system and learning what we need to do to stop the symptoms from ever developing.


Ignoring the body's messages means it will get worse or move somewhere else.



If a seesaw gets wobbly and starts tipping off the kids, we can see it's not working properly.  Looking closer we can see there's a loose bolt.  And we fix it  But 5 days later the same problem returns.  Now we look deeper and notice the seesaw is not secure in the ground which is making the bolt loose.  Now we are getting to the real cause and the real area to address if we want it to work properly.



Can you see how addressing the root cause is vital if you want to stop the symptoms?  It's no good fixing a bad back if the reason it started is not addressed?


So how do you regain control instead of the pain controlling you?

..and how to clear it for good:

You don't have to control the pain instead face the dragon and feel into the painful sensations for the pain to release.

Your body doesn't need you to heal anything, it already does that.  When you cut yourself it fixes, right?  Your body knows how to heal.  Every single cell in your body is hard-wired to survive, to create balance given the chance.  What it needs from you is your undivided attention - through meditation, through 'meeting the dragon' when it arises.


When I was pushing out babies, I had my first contraction.  It was so consuming, it took my breath away, paralyzed me.  I was taken over.  On the next contraction, I breathed into it, rode the pain like a wave.  It was almost ecstatic, a completely different experience.

When you experience your pain rising, don't fight it, drown it in drugs or push on through regardless.  Give it attention.  Meet it where and when it is.  Breathe deep and slow.  Be patient.  It will go.


Lee Bradford tried this Method and said..

"I am doing so well ... my dragon has breathed a few times but I’ve stopped, I’ve given it time, I’ve acknowledged & welcomed it in saying I know you are here to be healed. Before I braced & battled the pain. So far it has not gone into full blown attack of Trigeminal Neuralgia. I cannot express my relief.


If you'd like to learn how to get rid of your symptoms, book a free call with me and start healing

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Althea Finch Althea Finch

Fed up of being treated as a symptom instead of a whole person?

Treated as if one size fits all.  Squeezed into the protocol of your condition.                                  Everyone with the same symptom needs the same treatment, right?

Most people tend to go to the doctors, get diagnosed and prescribed medication.  They may send you to other specialists or physios.  But that's about it.

If 100 people have the same symptoms, there are 100 different reasons why they got it. 

You are not just 'a body'.  You are unique.

Treated as if one size fits all.  Squeezed into the protocol of your condition.                          Everyone with the same symptom needs the same treatment, right?

Most people tend to go to the doctors, get diagnosed and prescribed medication.  They may send you to other specialists or physios.  But that's about it.

If 100 people have the same symptoms, there are 100 different reasons why they got it. 

You are not just 'a body'.  You are unique.

You are thoughts, feelings, memories, experiences  You are multi-layered.  There's no one else on this planet or beyond who's exactly like you.  So why should you be treated like everyone else?

To heal and release the symptoms you have to address the whole person - why they got it, what their experiences are, how they feel, how things affect them...everything.  Once you know the whole picture of a person then it becomes clear why things have developed and you can treat the original cause.

...And that's where healing begins..



>>Connect to the symptoms and discomfort.

>>Breathe deeply as you do that.

>>Write down the descriptions of your symptoms - Where else in your life do you experience the exact same things?

>>Watch out for the mind stepping in, asking questions. Thinking stops healing.  Healing happens through connecting to what you're experiencing and your body does the rest.


Pain can get locked in the body and by reconnecting, you're allowing the space for it to release.

I was treating a lady suffering from shock.  She had become an alcoholic at 56 and had trouble with relationships.

When she was 3 years old she'd had an electric shock but her mother didn't come to help.  At 56 this experience was locked in her body.  

Things can get tucked away because of uncomfortable feelings and experiences and they become hard to let go for the fear of revealing our true selves.  But you are the only one in there, in your body, your mind, in your thoughts.  Healing is about peace in the relationship with you.  Peace with yourself.

Be brave, dive in, TRUST yourself.  It feels great on the other side.

Imagine finally being free of your symptoms.

Click here for your free eguide to help you do that -

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Althea Finch Althea Finch

Do you trust your doctor more than yourself?

Have you been to the doctor's, been referred to physios, groups, and specialists for months or even years now?

All they offer you is medication but it's not something you want and it doesn't really work.  The symptoms have got worse.

You're not alone.  This happens to many people.

Doctors don't cure.

Have you been to the doctor's, been referred to physios, groups, and specialists for months or even years now?

They’ve offered you medication and operations but it hasn’t really helped and the symptoms have got worse.

You don’t actually want to take medications but you’re not sure what else to do.

Doctors are trained to recognise the symptoms and treat them with medication or operations.

We are taught that doctors know more about your body than you do. But why should a complete stranger that knows nothing about you, be able to cure you? 

You are the one that lives with you, every second of every day.  You are the one that knows the most about you.

Unless specifically interested, we are not typically taught about our own bodies, to listen, nurture and respond to our needs.



Learn to listen to your instincts, your feelings.  Ask your body "what do I need to heal?" What am I drawn to?  What feels right for me to improve my health?

Healing happens in two places: 

1  In the moment, not in thinking about the past or the future

2 Through the breath- deep slow breathing.


Watch out for the thinking mind taking over.  The mind will stop all healing.

Your emotions might get triggered when you try to heal.  

Your physical body might distract you - increasing in pain, making you itch, making you want to move.

Other distractions can rise up and stop you from healing too - the phone ringing, someone knocks on the door, you remember you wanted to do something..

There might be a part of you that blocks you from healing.  It's your protector checking in with you.


If you find yourself still taking direction from the doctor, ask yourself - Have they given you results?  Are you cured?

If not, start listening to your instincts.  They are the most innate part of you.  You will always get the truth. You are nature and nature ALWAYS wants balance and healing, no matter what you do.


Here's an exercise to keep you in the healing space and in the moment.

1- Ask yourself "what am I thinking?"  Don't try to analyse, don't try to do anything, just clock the thoughts in your head.  Notice what you're thinking about.

2- Ask yourself "what am feeling?"  Notice between 1 & 10 your level of emotions from stressed to calm.  Feel where those emotions are in your body and what they feel like.  Like an observer.

3- Ask yourself "what am I sensing in my body?"  Notice what you're feeling on your skin or the feeling of your clothes.  Notice your posture, any tension, the feeling in your gut.  Notice your hair.

You don't have to do anything.  All you have to do is acknowledge where you are and what is happening right now-  being in the moment.  Nature takes over from there.  


Our western mind wants to figure it all out, understand things, find the answers...but you don't need to do all that to heal, it's not how to heal.

Book a FREE consultation and start healing -






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Althea Finch Althea Finch

What’s blocking your healing?

Did you you hit a brick wall?

When it’s all too much and you just can’t connect (STEP 1 of the Painfree Method)

That’s a kind of block and there are reasons for that. The pain is not the problem but an end product of what created it.

How do we block ourselves from healing and what can we do to change that?

Do you find you just cannot heal despite trying everything?

Feeling resistant to change?

Fear of what created your symptoms?

You may be blocking your healing. Understand what they are so you can heal.

When you cut yourself your body automatically starts healing, right?!

So what's going on if you're not?

You may have tried many things to heal yourself and you're still not better. You may even be worse.

There are two main reasons we are blocked from healing despite our best efforts.

- One is that maybe you don't know how to heal. In the West we are taught to get rid of symptoms. Stop the pain, suppress it, make it go away. Although sometimes this is the right thing, ultimately this is not healing and the pain and symptoms cannot go like this.

Eg if someone hates their job and they get stress and tension in their shoulders because of it, no amount of painkillers, massages, deep baths or essential oils will fully work until the cause of the problem is released.

Can you see this?

- The second main reason we don't heal, no matter what we do, is that there's 'story' in there.

There are reasons you're suffering, memories, experiences, feelings. So again it doesn't matter how many things you do to help yourself, they just cannot work unless the whole picture of you is addressed.

This is what you learn as you go through the Pain to PainFree Program - to recognise and know how to release the blocks so you heal.

To explore if this program is right for you, book a free consultation.

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Althea Finch Althea Finch

The #1 Reason that stops healing in its tracks

In this video, I share with you the MAIN reason that stops healing from working PLUS an extra piece of healing that can support and heal you no matter what you're going through.

What's the ONE thing that's going to stand in the way of your healing?

In this video, I share with you the MAIN reason that stops healing from working PLUS an extra piece of healing that can support and heal you no matter what you're going through.

And that is that getting into nature or being active in nature can really help healing.

Nature is always in perfect balance, no matter what we throw at it.  When we spend time in nature, we naturally will respond to it.  We are nature too and will naturally balance in that environment.



You're clever I know, you think, remember, rationalize, project, make lists!!

Your emotions feel, respond, react.

But your body does body things!  It is hardwired to heal and balance.  It knows how to be a body!

When you cut yourself, it heals.  You don't have to think it through, analyse it or ask it to heal.  It just does.


Often we make the symptom the problem but really your body is just reflecting the whole of you in physical form.  It represents the whole of you.

By the time we have symptoms, we often go to the doctor, take a pill, try to get rid of it like the symptom is the problem.....Meanwhile, your body's still trying very hard to get your attention.  That's all it wants - YOUR ATTENTION.  When you do that, essentially you are bringing together all of you allowing flow AND HEALING can take place.


If you want to heal you need to mentally engage into the problem.

Your mind cannot thinks!  Your feelings feel and your body heals.  If healing is not working for you, despite trying everything, book in a free call with me to pinpoint what's really creating your pain and what to do to get rid of it.




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Althea Finch Althea Finch

How to get rid of pain

The first thing to understand is how did the pain get there in the first place?

What's it doing there?

This could be an obvious question - I stand on my feet all day, it's hereditary, there's no cure, I don't know why I got this, etc..

Think of your whole self, body and soul as flowing energy -  thought, feelings, memories, experiences and physical body.  The flow of energy is the interaction of all these things.

Pain is your body's last-ditch attempt to get you to focus on that thing you need to heal.

Pain is not the problem but the door to the solution.  By the time your body develops pain it is basically showing you what is out of balance so you can let it go again and feel at peace, pain-free.

This is how to get rid of pain. Your body already knows how - Learn how to tap into your own natural healing system.

The first thing to understand is how did the pain get there in the first place?

What's it doing there?

This could be an obvious question - I stand on my feet all day, it's hereditary, there's no cure, I don't know why I got this, etc..

Think of your whole self, body and soul as flowing energy -  thought, feelings, memories, experiences and physical body.  The flow of energy is the interaction of all these things.

Pain is your body's last-ditch attempt to get you to focus on that thing you need to heal.

Pain is not the problem but the door to the solution.  By the time your body develops pain it is basically showing you what is out of balance so you can let it go again and feel at peace, pain-free.



If we make pain the problem, we start trying to fix that thing - running to the doctor, take medication, have an operation but you're not just body.  If you try to fix one piece of you, it will affect the whole of you.  If you fix the whole of you, it will affect every piece of you! Your pain isn't the problem but a message to show you the imbalance point and where to start your healing.

When you start healing as a whole it will make you feel at peace, at ease, life flows, opportunity comes, realisations, calm.


To fix the whole - feel into the pain you're feeling physically, emotionally or mentally.

- Watch out for your thinking mind.

The moment you start questioning, analysing it will stop the healing immediately.  Instead feel into the 'not ok'!

Pain is a distancing, a blocking, a resistance somewhere.  Your problem represents the issue.  When you mentally connect to the problem you effectively draw things together which allows natural flow.


Your body and soul has a built-in system, hard-wired to balance and flow.  At some point, when you're ready, balance is sought.  You cannot avoid healing.  Eventually, you have to face your thing.  It's nature.

To get yourself in the right spot to heal, ask yourself "what am I feeling?"  This will disengage the thinking mind, which stops healing and will keep you connected to the place which allows healing.  Where is that? - it's the place that doesn't feel ok.

You don't have to know how you got your discomfort or why it's there or all the details.  The PFM is so much simpler - just connect to your discomfort, relax your shoulders and breathe deeply.  Your body will do the rest.

Your body already knows how to heal.  Your job to allow that to happen is to bring your attention to the pain.


Book a FREE call with me where we’ll explore what’s blocking your healing and how you can get pain free - 

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Althea Finch Althea Finch

How to clear back pain

Where's the pain really coming from?

Do you know your body (and pain) is connected to everything else that you are - your thoughts, feelings, memories..everything?

It saddens me to see people rush to the doctor, pop a pill or go for operations to heal their thing when the true power of change lies WITHIN you.

You and only you have the power to heal.

How to clear back pain using the natural healing system of your own body.

Where's the pain really coming from?

Do you know your body (and pain) is connected to everything else that you are - your thoughts, feelings, memories..everything?

It saddens me to see people rush to the doctor, pop a pill or go for operations to heal their thing when the true power of change lies WITHIN you.

You and only you have the power to heal.

>>>You are the only one in there, in your body, feeling what you do, thinking what you do, experiencing life only as you do.


When we reach out for fixing our thing, we are essentially giving away our own power.

Your body reflects our thoughts and feelings.

When we're stressed, for example, hair can go grey, muscles might tense or joints start to be in pain.  Adrenalin is triggered, the heart beats faster, we might bite nails or are ub=nable to eat.

Fear can trigger worries and anxiety.  Your body will naturally respond to exactly what you're thinking and feeling.

Your body reflects everything else that's going on for you.


To understand and start clearing discomfort in your body or any other kind of pain start with looking at what that body part does for you.

BACK PAIN - What does that body part do?

Upper back and shoulders are the areas of responsibility, support, taking on board.

Mid back - cleans, clears, the liver in this area, repairs, creates

Lower back - is a major supporter most things, family, sexuality, your roots, what life means for you, getting rid of something, finalizing, clearing the clutter.


How does this resonate with you?

How does it relate to other parts of your life? 

Do you emotionally react to the messages of your body?

Do you block?


Your body is not your enemy, it shows you the point where you need to balance or release something.  It is an information provider to the finest detail.

Your symptoms will show you what you need and where to look and the greater the pain, the higher the need to balance A NATURAL TILT ALARM!


Some people say "I got  this because I stand all day, it's not emotional or psychological" 

But why are you standing all day?

Why did you take that job that causes you back pain?

What makes you stay in that job?

How do you feel about being there?


If you ignore your body messages it will shift somewhere else or get worse.

A lot of people at this stage of having uncomfortable symptoms go to the doctor.  But even if you have more than a few minutes, how do they know the fullness of your mind, your feelings?  How can they possibly know every minute you've lived?

They can't, they're not even trained to.


Physical conditions can stay in the body for many years.


I lady I treated was around 40 but she looked like a little girl, almost anorexic.  It transpired that at 12 yrs old her mother died.  She was not allowed to go to the funeral.  She was not allowed to see her mother's body or say goodbye.

She was emotionally stuck and her body expressed that.


Just because we move on, grow up..doesn't mean thoughts and feelings disappear.  They don't.  Scientifically, matter never leaves, it just changes.  You can move on but until you resolve and be at peace with what is not ok with you, it will hang around until you're ready.

By the time you have developed symptoms, it means that things are rising and you're ready to heal.  You won't be able to ignore it.  It will stop you moving or irritate you or stop you doing what you like.

Balance is inevitable! And the peaceful part of you will always call you.


In the PFM to heal: 

Ask - what does that body part do?

This will give you the clues to what are the real causes of your pain and that’s the place to focus and start healing.

If you’d like to learn how to start healing, come on a FREE call -

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Althea Finch Althea Finch

Understanding the messages of your body

Firstly, you'll need to know why the pain is there in the first place.

Your body is physical!

It's a physical expression of you - what you're feeling, what you're thinking and everything else that makes up you.


But why’s your body doing those symptoms? What can you do to be pain free?

Your symptoms are not the real problem, it’s just a reflection of what’s really going on, the ROOT CAUSE, the reasons they’re there. Your symptoms are like the tip of the iceberg.

Just like if you sweat when you run. The sweating isn’t the problem but the running is making you sweat. Stop running and heating up and you’ll stop sweating.

It’s exactly the same with healing.

Have a look at this chart and see what your body might be ‘saying’ to you-

Things on the RIGHT side of your body are controlled by the left brain and visa versa.

RIGHT brain is about the mother, women, creativity, imagination, female qualities, the woman in you (even if you’re a man), your female relationships, communication.

LEFT brain is about the father, men, the masculine in you (even if you’re a woman), logic, goal orientation, mathematics, planning, organising.

For most people, when the body goes wrong, they go to the doctor...get that thing FIXED, throw pills at it, cut it out, try to fix the problem...

This is the way we are typically taught but if you only do this, you are missing the body’s messages that lead you to heal.

When pain shows up, learn to listen, engage with it, don’t ignore it. CONNECT with it!

..THAT'S WHERE YOU START TO HEAL - understand what you’re really trying to tell yourself.

Thought, emotions, experiences effect you.  By the time things have become physical, something has gone deep within you and your alarm signals are triggered and demand you pay attention.

When difficulties develop physically, it's the perfect time for that healing too.

It’s the time when some part of you says “I’m ready to heal”.

You won't be able to ignore it for long- it'll stop you moving, it'll wake you up at night, it'll constantly nag you and stop you doing what you really want to do.

You’ll have no choice but to pay attention to it. Isn’t that great?!


What's really going on for you? - What’s THE EMOTIONAL ROOT CAUSE?-

How do your symptoms feel?

What do they stop you doing?

How do they affect you?

The meaning of physical symptoms

Let's look at an example - back ache.

What does a back do? - it supports, maintains shape, allows movement, protects.

What is it about these descriptions that resonates for you?

Are you not supported?

Are you restricted in movement somehow?

Do you feel unprotected?

The physiology of your body will show you what's really going on.

Q: What does the problem area do?

A: The back supports.

Your legs help you move.

Your shoulders carry...

What's YOUR body telling you?


So here, there are two ways to identify the real problem inside.

  1. How does the symptom affect you?

  2. What does that body part normally do?

When you connect here, the physical problems will go.

If you are ready to heal and want help to do that, book a free consultation to get started-

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Althea Finch Althea Finch

STEP ONE of the PFM - how to get pain free

This is STEP ONE of the PainFree Method -

How to get immediate pain relief and start healing.

This is STEP ONE of the PainFree Method - Immediate pain relief.

How to prepare for healing - doing things your love:

Why am I in a graveyard????!  Because I’m doing something I love - plant identification meet up (graveyards are some of the best places for plants because they’re left to grow undisturbed).  Doing things you love creates love in and around you and healing happens in a place of love.

When your body's not working properly it affects you in many ways - can't sleep, can't move properly, affects your mood, your thoughts. BLOODY IRRITATING!!



I cannot make you heal but I can show you how to do it.


>Get into a relaxed open position.

>Mentally connect with your pain or troublesome area. Feel into it.


>Relax your body as is possible.

>Breathe deeply and slowly. 

If things don't shift or improve straight away there may be resistance.  Use the steps above and breathe into your resistance.

Keep coming back to the above steps.


NB Watch out for the monkey mind -

“It’s not working”

“This is stupid”

“I don’t know if I’m even doing it right” etc, etc, etc.

The mind doesn't do the healing. It will completely stop healing from happening. If your mind keeps butting in, go back to the steps.

STEP ONE IS THE CRITICAL STEP and the main one that gets the healing activated. 

How did you get on?

Let me know your questions, I’m here to help - comment below or send me an email.


Is the PFM pain management?

Absolutely not! - It’s pain,clearing, pain getting rid of, pain taking back control of your body, never see the symptoms again.

Is it mind over matter?

No, it’s about focusing your mind in the right place for healing to happen. Connecting everything together, mind to body so that everything goes back into flow and healing happens.

What do you get using the PFM?

You’ll learn how to clear pain when it happens and know how to stop it from ever returning.

Can it clear MY conditions?

I've helped people clear many conditions from headaches to cancer.

Even if you've had it forever, this can work for you.  The question is "Are you ready?"

What are the effects?

I've seen blood balance, joints slip back into place, conditions disappear, pain go.

Pain also creates terrible side effects like tension in the body, stiffness, mood swings, lack of sleep and energy.  When the symptoms go, the side effects go too.

How do I start?

You can get my help for free here

You DON’T have to live with chronic conditions.  It IS curable no matter what anyone tells you.  Follow your instincts and reach for what you want xx. 

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Althea Finch Althea Finch

Interview by Louisa - The Pain-Free Method and how it can work for you.

This is what The Pain-Free Method is all about.

In this video, I explain what's involved and what needs to happen in order for the process to work.

There 3 main parts in play when you heal, they are: Your thoughts, your feelings and your body.  

You've been trying everything but it just isn't working for you.

You want to fix your thing and get on with your life.

You know it's possible somehow but now you just want the results....this video is for you:

This is what The Pain-Free Method is all about.

In this video, I explain what's involved and what needs to happen in order for the process to work.

There 3 main parts in play when you heal, they are: Your thoughts, your feelings and your body.  

When you hurt, it stops you doing things you really want, it interrupts your thoughts, it forces you to focus on the problem area.  Your body is essentially showing you where to focus in order to heal and it won't let you off.


When you heal you naturally start doing those things you really want again, you are in flow, your body's working perfectly, your energy rises and you move on with your life.

To align and get the healing to work and fix your thing, you have to connect your mind to your hurt place and everything else will fall in line.

How do you do that?

Feel into your symptoms.  What do you sense?  How do you react when you do this?  

When you connect to your symptoms you'll start to notice things (sometimes they'll be resistance too).  Essentially, that's all you have to do to heal.  Your body knows how to do the healing bit.  All you have to do is bring your mental attention to the symptoms.

Book yourself in for a free call here and let's get your symptoms cleared.

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Althea Finch Althea Finch

How to connect to the pain so it shifts.

People try all sorts of things to heal but if it doesn't work they often end up feeling despondent,  'tucking' things away only for it to resurface later on or get worse.

They reach for something else, the doctor or medication but are still no clearer to solving their symptoms.

What you need to understand about healing

There are lots of lovely healing techniques out there but are they working for you?

How do you make them specific to you?  Everyone is different, unique.
In this video, I show you how you can make it work for you.

Watch the video below or scroll down to read the blog.

People try all sorts of things to heal but if it doesn't work they often end up feeling despondent,  'tucking' things away only for it to resurface later on or get worse.

They reach for something else, the doctor or medication but are still no clearer to solving their symptoms.

What you need to understand about healing

Your body will tell you exactly what you need to do to heal.  It's not your enemy but instead the messenger and shows you where to start healing.  Trying to figure out how to heal is not the answer and can stop you from healing for years.

Your body naturally heals totally without your conscious thought - your skin heals, your hair grows, your heart beats all without your obvious intervention, doesn't it?

Think of yourself as an energetic collection of your thoughts, feelings and physical body.

Everything interrelates but your mind thinks, your feelings feel and your body does physical things.  This is all driven by your inner guidance, your will, your wishes and hopes, your inner spirit...and where THAT is, EVERYTHING else follows.

Here's how to get your body to follow what you really want:

  1. Set your intention
    Know what you want ultimately.  If you have any wobbles, this deeper intention will keep you straight.

  2. Connect to the pain
    This might feel counter-intuitive but remember, your mind thinks and your body does physical things and feelings feel.  When you connect your mind to your body, it kind of connects the circuitry, it brings things all together and when that happens, your boy can get on and heal.

  3. Allow reactions to surface
    The reason the pain is there in the first place will be connected to thoughts and feelings.  This is your chance to finally let them go so your body can heal.


How do you know if you're doing the right thing?

It feels like the hot spot area when you're focussing on the right bit, it's painful, it's blocked, that part stops you doing other things.

Your body is not broken in any sense, no matter how bad it seems.  There has been a disconnect somewhere and your body is the part of YOU telling YOU where to look in order to fix things.  So connect and listen!

This is all about trust

  1. Trust what you want for yourself
    By the time something has developed in the body, things have gone pretty deep for you.  Usually, the mind starts taking over and wants to 'understand', 'making sense', 'look for answers' and starts to dominate...but the mind doesn't heal, your body knows how to do that.  By trusting yourself, you are trusting your inner guide that gives space for your body to heal.

  2. Trust your instincts and where they lead you.
    We often bypass this part but ignoring your own inner drive will lead you to trust someone else other than you which is often a doctor.  YOU live in your body every minute of every day and you are the only one in existence who has the exact answers for what you need.  Look within instead of out there somewhere.  Of course, we can bring in help for ourselves but in the end, you set the rules.

Trust yourself - connect with your feelings, your thoughts, your senses.  Let your pain guide you to healing.

The mistake you’ll probably make

In these times of goal orientation and get the list done!, one of the mistakes I see is sticking to outcomes.

If you've been suffering forever and just want everything sorted NOW! You are effectively holding yourself to ransom and to fail.  It's natural to know what you want and have expectations for that to happen but it's a bit like wanting that tin of tomato soup at the shops and not finding it there - may be the products were moved around, maybe they ran out.  If you hold to your wishes absolutely, there are so many variables to mess things up and leave you disappointed.

Instead, set your intention about what you want, see it, feel it, know...then let it go and stay present to what you are sensing right now.  Healing happens in the present.

What if it still doesn't work?

Sometimes we resist, maybe it's scary.  When you start wanting to release pain, all sorts of thoughts, memories and feelings can be wrapped up in the pain which is essentially a holding of something and when they start leaking out it can make us put on the brakes.   

Your resistance might rise up and that's natural.  It's protection. 

Be patient with yourself, take your time, connect to any resistance and it eases get back to the hotspot.

“If you did know healing for works for you, what would you want to be feeling like?

Because if you’re like most of my clients you probably instinctively have doubts and resistance, at me, at this method, at any method, at yourself.  You might have a story like “Nothing's worked so far, maybe I've just got to pain manage” Or “I've had this thing forever, how is this ever going to help me?”

Wherever you are, in yourself, right now is exactly the right place you need to be to start healing.

A client of mine recently, discovered that when she connected to her hip pain, she noticed how her posture was 'off' and naturally adjusted herself and improved.  When you connect to the pain and want release, you'll find the answers you need to heal, natural balance resumes.

Healing is your natural right and when you connect to your pain and listen to your needs, flow and healing naturally occur.

Over to you…

Was this useful? Please, let me know in the comments below, particularly, if you are somebody who started watching this video feeling like you've tried everything and almost giving up. Type below and let me know – I love to hear from you!

Do you want help being pain free?

Book a free consultation where I help you identify a root cause of your symptoms and show you how you can be pain free.

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