
Welcome to DAY 5, the last day of your HEALING CHALLENGE, you made it Yeyyyy!

How have you been getting on?

What’s been happening for you?

Did you get the hang of it?

If it’s working for you, well done, healing is your right. Go ahead with DAY 5.

If it’s not worked as well as you’d hoped, please don’t panic! Keep practicing each step. The techniques are simple and they work but many things can get in the way of healing. Mainly our triggers and patterns or resistance to healing. I normally take a client through a 90-day healing process. So give it a go or reach out for help.

Come to Facebook group or book a free pain consultation here: https://painfreedom.co.uk/pain-consultation-call

DAY 5-

Bringing it all together, making it work for you.

By now you have the first 4 steps to allow healing to happen, the support, the power to change things to the way you want and now focussing on bringing it all together.

This is a checklist to make sure you’re doing all the right things to get your healing happening.

Start from where you are:

I’m in pain. Check you’re doing these-

>For immediate relief follow DAYS 1 & 2 - Connect to the pain, breathing deep and slow, immediate pain relief action.

If it doesn't go or gets worse, don't panic. There are reasons it's not budging.

It may have been many years or months developing, a lot of patterns, resistance, fear may be present.

Be patient with yourself, trust your body works just fine, know how you want it to feel, use DAY ONE, connect to the pain.

I’m not in pain. How do I stop it returning. Are you doing these?-

Doing these are as important to do if not more so than getting immediate relief. They clear the root cause and stop negative patterns and pain from ever developing. Like preparing the soil for a seed.

>Love yourself - how can you love yourself right now? What makes you feel good?

You may not feel like loving yourself but do it anyway and as the you get the momentum going, everything will follow.

>Meditation - Without centring, our egos and mind will take over and run the show. Meditation detaches us from control and connects us to flow. That’s where the healing is.

>Rest, sleep - 4 healing hormones are released between 10 and 2am but you have to be asleep to get them.

>Drink 2-3L of pure water daily. Every part of you needs water to function especially if you are unwell - you need more.

>Breathe fresh air.

>Proper diet – organic, non-GMO, unprocessed.

>Exercise - The PFM is a healing method but your body still needs to move. Make it regular and do what you can within your ability. My top recommendation would be yoga.

It’s not about being perfect, it’s about nudging yourself in the direction you want to go. Healing is immediate but it can take time to adjust to change. Keep checking in with your ultimate goal. Take yourself through the steps as you need them.

Ask me for help, book a free pain consultation with me here: https://painfreedom.co.uk/pain-consultation-call


Next Steps..

Well done for taking up the 5-DAY HEALING CHALLENGE. I hope you have got the results you wanted. If not and you feel this method could help you, reach out to me.

I offer a free 45-minute pain consultation.

  • We’ll talk about your symptoms and how they’re affecting you.

  • What are the root causes creating the symptoms

  • Your next steps to clearing them.

There are only 3 available each week. If you’d like one of them, book in with the link below:


Thank you for joining me on this healing challenge.

As a special thank you and to get your healing boosted, this GIFT is for you a 30-minute deep healing meditation.

Use it when you’re in pain or want deep relaxation.

I’ve loved delivering and guiding you through this challenge. I hope you did too.

How did you get on with it? Let me know and let’s get the healing you want and deserve.

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