How To Have A Pain-Free Christmas
How to have a pain-free Christmas 4 easy tips to clear painful symptoms – Watch the video or read the text below. 4 easy tips to clear painful symptoms at Christmas with the PainFree Method. These are easy to implement and effective straight away. Painful symptoms can be especially tough at this time of […]
Why Drugs and Operations Don’t work
Why Drugs and Operations Don’t work They are treatments to suppress the senses so you can’t feel pain. Sometimes that’s exactly what we need and thank goodness we have the option. But if you suppress the pain sensations and continue to do that, it means you can’t feel anything. It might give you some relief at […]
When you’ve tried everything and nothing works
When you’ve tried everything and nothing works You can do all sorts of things topically – massage, herbs, meditation, even mainstream things like pain killers or operations. And some of these things can definitely help, but the real healing process comes from within. Here’s how – your body reflects what you have inside, like a […]
What’s Your physical manifestation of emotional pain?
What’s Your Physical Manifestation Of Emotional Pain? Physical symptoms aren’t the real cause…but what is? In this video, I show you how to understand what’s your physical manifestation of emotional pain. What’s the true cause of your physical symptoms. Your body doesn’t think or feel, it does body things! Emotions are expressions of […]
How to get rid of back pain instantly
How to get rid of back pain instantly! Back pain can be debilitating and we want it gone especially if it’s been lingering for some time. Especially if we’ve tried so many things but it’s still there. But it’s still possible to know how to get rid of back pain instantly. How amazing would it […]
Pain Is A Message That Wants To Be Heard!
Pain Is A Message That Wants To Be Heard! What is pain? It calls your attention to something that’s wrong. An alarm to get your attention. When you’re in pain or discomfort, it can feel like that is the problem, things like arthritis, back pain, constant headaches. But they are only the physical expressions of […]
How Can You Heal Physical Symptoms?
Pain and conditions can’t go by cutting it out, throwing medication at it or any natural method either.
Here’s the easy 3 step process that does clear pain and conditions.
Are your physical symptoms the ACTUAL problem?
Are your physical symptoms the ACTUAL problem? If we just try to fix or get rid of symptoms without clearing the reason it’s there, then symptom cannot go. Know what causes pain in the body and your symptoms can’t continue. In this video I talk about how that is so and what you can do to […]
health blog
Welcome Althea’s Health Blog where I address and guide you through your health challenges. If there is a subject, illness, challenge you’d like me to post about, let me know. Email me here: You can also purchase the ‘How To’ series to help you on your healing journey, see details. Join our newsletter to stay […]